Office excel shortcut keys pdf
Office excel shortcut keys pdf

office excel shortcut keys pdf

Up/Down Arrow: Move one cell up or down.Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow: Move to the farthest cell left or right in the row.Left/Right Arrow: Move one cell to the left or right.You can use keyboard shortcuts to easily navigate throughout your worksheet, within a cell, or throughout your entire workbook. Alt+F11: Open the Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Editor.

office excel shortcut keys pdf

  • Alt+F8: Create, run, edit, or delete a macro.
  • Ctrl+Tab: Switch between open workbooks.
  • Ctrl+F: Search in a spreadsheet, or use Find and Replace.
  • Alt+F1: Create an embedded bar chart based on select data (same sheet).
  • F11: Create a bar chart based on selected data (on a separate sheet).
  • Ctrl+Shift+U: Expand or collapse the formula bar.
  • F9: Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks.
  • Alt+Q: Go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box.
  • office excel shortcut keys pdf

    For example, if the last thing you typed in a cell is “hello,” or if you change the font color, clicking another cell and pressing F4 repeats that action in the new cell. F4: Repeat the last command or action.First, let’s take a look at some general keyboard shortcuts for manipulating workbooks, getting help, and a few other interface-related actions.

    Office excel shortcut keys pdf